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2017 Corporate Drive
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(800) 330-1158
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Laboratories Using Chemicals Are Required to Have Certain Fire Extinguishers
UncategorizedKeeping labs and lab workers safe with proper fire safety Laboratories that use and store chemicals are not only workplaces and educational centers, they also typically contain materials that are highly flammable, toxic, and sometimes explosive. For that reason, the National Fire Protection Association has broadened the scope in its NFPA 45 standard to include […]
How Corrosion Can Impact a Fire Protection System
UncategorizedLearn about the effects of corrosion and what you can do to protect the safety of your building Corrosion can have a serious impact on the effectiveness of your building’s fire protection system, and it can be very expensive to fix. This is why identifying and minimizing it are key parts of maintaining a system […]
Explaining the Recent Legislation Around 9-Volt Smoke Detectors
UncategorizedA new Florida law has left many fire departments confused Last year, Florida legislators passed a new law intended to save building contractors money and drive the use of longer-lasting smoke detectors, but it’s ended up impacting local fire department’s efforts to provide inexpensive fire safety measures to at-risk populations around Florida. What does the […]
Access Must Be Provided to Units or Suites During Fire Alarm Inspections and Tests
UncategorizedState law gives condo associations right of access during reasonable hours Whether you live in, own, or manage a condo, fire safety inspections and fire alarm tests are an essential part of keeping you and the building safe. According to Chapters 718 and 719 of the Florida Statutes, a condo association has the “irrevocable right […]
How Video Analytics Can Take a CCTV System to the Next Level
UncategorizedIntelligent video monitoring can detect threats and act as a force multiplier for your building’s security Video monitoring is becoming an increasingly popular method to increase security for a variety of businesses – but what good is video if no one’s watching? Many businesses don’t have the resources required to pay security personnel to monitor […]
Changes to Florida Code Address Extended Cycle Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Tests
UncategorizedRegular check-ups will keep your system working right Owners of fire sprinkler systems are often very familiar in the annual, semi-annual, and quarterly requirements of inspecting and testing their fire sprinkler system – and that’s a good thing. According to a report by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA),“US Experience With Sprinklers,” properly installed and […]
An Introduction to Fire Alarm Systems
UncategorizedLearn about the components and types of fire alarm systems that protect lives and property Fire alarm systems are perhaps the most essential elements of any building’s life safety systems. Not only do they save countless lives every year, they often regulate other systems in the building and property owners save huge amounts of money […]
Surge Suppression Mitigates Severe Storm Damage
UncategorizedLearn how to minimize damage to your commercial building from lightning strikes While you may have a surge suppressor on some of your computers and other electrical items, you may not realize just how much damage lightning can do to other, more expensive and integral equipment in a commercial facility – including your life safety […]
Fire Pumps are the Heart of the Fire Sprinkler System
UncategorizedIs yours properly tested and maintained? If there is one component that could be considered the heart of a building’s fire safety system, it’s the fire pump. This apparatus drives adequate pressure and additional water volume to the fire protection system, including fire sprinklers, the first defense against fire, and they simply won’t work correctly […]